Tuesday, December 23, 2008

come on guys lets FUCK the christmas spirit!

that doesn't really have the greatest ring to it, does it?
i don't think so. I am seriously just sick of people who are like "naaaah christmas sucks, my family don't celebrate it so im going to be a douchebag for the entire of the christmas season" or even "Christmas sucks because my family celebrate it and i don't want to believe in Jesus so i am going to be grumpy throughout the entire of the Christmas season" and sometimes even "i dont have a family, so im going to be difficult".
really come on man, maybe think about others on Christmas? isn't that the whole point of Christmas. Whether you believe in the birth of JC or not, can't you maybe a little more hospitable around the holiday season?
Christmas or Honica or Chrismica or whatever you want to celebrate is a time of family, and loving and cherishing and being kind to one another. i know i couldn't sound anymore cleshe. BUT its sooooo true. AND if you don't have a family to celebrate with then either go chime with another family and suck it up, grab some mates, OR suck it up get over it, enjoy the atmosphere of everyone before christmas day and go each a Christmas pudding and drink some Christmas cheer (alcohol).

Monday, December 22, 2008


yes i said it. i hate homophobes. GOOD! they are douuches.
ok more specifically then. one of my best friends is gay, i have many friends who are gay, my brothers gay, and im bisexual.
Maybe I'm against closed mindedness in general (i also hate racist and sexist people). Wait i just realised...does the fact that i hate people who are idiots make me a discriminatory person? maybe.
I have a question for all you homophobes, racists, and sexists in the world. Why? Someone can't help what sex, race or sexual orientation they are born as. I really don't get it. they are just ordinary people, why treat them any differently?

Ok so In the case of homosexuality some would argue that its a personal choice...which is of course complete bullshit. Honestly though why is it wrong? some people say its disgusting...why? because they are most likely getting more action than you will with that attitude? or what because they have sex for pleasure not pro-creation? I'm just spit balling here but if it was so wrong and Jesus and God were against it...then why would God or whoever have created such "blasphemest" people? Vagina + penis = sin free where as penis + penis or vagina + vagina = sin?
i just don't get it. I've realised recently that i do believe in a god, but he still confuses the crap out of me, its like God makes contradictory statements. Gay people are baaaaaad!! Lets chuck 12 fully grown men into a room with a funky healer who wears togas? How is that NOT gay?? And if being a homosexual is so bad then whyyyyyyy does whoever God is make them??

Sexism...ye old sexists. It really is an age old tradition. Man goes to work, makes money, while the wife stays at home, cooks, cleans and looks after the children.
Don't get the wrong idea I'm not saying its only men who make negative stereotypes about womens roles...or should i say lack of roles. But men get excluded from certain professions which are generally reserved for women. Or if they are in a profession that is dominatly female or stereotypically female, for example nursing, they get put down! Its ridiculous the shit that men and women have to go through to get equal pay and treatment.

And the most stupid one out of all of these (i think) is racism. Ok I get that maybe someone is from a different culture to yours so you may not understand it or agree with some of its principles and what not. But "you have different colour skin to me. YOUR LOWER THAN ME!!" how does that even make any logical sense? Come oooooon guys seriously. Also with things like race stereotypes like, all asians are bad drivers? why because they have "squintey" eyes so that automatically impairs their vision? Or because your insecure about your driving ability so you just put your negativity onto someone else??

anyways I'm off. had enough of a rant today.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

You say your not religious daddy, but you say Jesus Christ and God all the time...

You grow up. Your parents will hopefully teach you right and wrong. But what happens when you get to the stage when your parents start going back on what they taught you? And they STILL expect you to abide by all these rules.
It’s a double standard isn’t it.
My mum and dad told me to never take the lords name in vain because that’s blasphemy.
Our family isn't particularly religious, but we still respect the religion we were born into (Greek orthodoxy). Yet when my dad gets even slightly pissed off he screams out "Jesus Christ" or "oh my GOD" so when does this rule count to him? or does it just count to me because I'm under 18 and not technically an "adult" yet.
I'm just thinking, how many things does this apply to?
Do things like "don't do drugs" or "clean up your room" not apply to them either?
Drinking alcohol, yes it kills brain cells, but why is it less important to lose brain cells for them? I understand them trying to protect us against the harmful things in the world but why don't they want to protect themselves?
I may be 16 and not legally be able to make my own decisions, but until i can make decisions like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, or whatever else comes along, im doing whatever the fuck i want.
I think the more adults push under 18's NOT to do something the more its going to make them do it, just in spite of them. Especially if there is a degree of risk. Excitement!

By the way, I'm not going to smoke or take drugs, and i will keep my drinking to a minimum, because, well I'm not a complete idiot.

Welcome to my spot

Hey hey hey guys and welcome to my blogs.
Your probably wondering, why is Boly doing blogs she already does yologs on youtube...well the reason is, is because i don't want to chat to a computer screen 100% of the time. Therefore Bolys Blog Bank was created.
There will be different stuff put up here, standard stuff, blogs, photos even videos if i can figure out how to put them up =P
Feel free to browse and comment everything =] its always appreciated.

see you guys later!
always yours