Saturday, December 20, 2008

You say your not religious daddy, but you say Jesus Christ and God all the time...

You grow up. Your parents will hopefully teach you right and wrong. But what happens when you get to the stage when your parents start going back on what they taught you? And they STILL expect you to abide by all these rules.
It’s a double standard isn’t it.
My mum and dad told me to never take the lords name in vain because that’s blasphemy.
Our family isn't particularly religious, but we still respect the religion we were born into (Greek orthodoxy). Yet when my dad gets even slightly pissed off he screams out "Jesus Christ" or "oh my GOD" so when does this rule count to him? or does it just count to me because I'm under 18 and not technically an "adult" yet.
I'm just thinking, how many things does this apply to?
Do things like "don't do drugs" or "clean up your room" not apply to them either?
Drinking alcohol, yes it kills brain cells, but why is it less important to lose brain cells for them? I understand them trying to protect us against the harmful things in the world but why don't they want to protect themselves?
I may be 16 and not legally be able to make my own decisions, but until i can make decisions like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, or whatever else comes along, im doing whatever the fuck i want.
I think the more adults push under 18's NOT to do something the more its going to make them do it, just in spite of them. Especially if there is a degree of risk. Excitement!

By the way, I'm not going to smoke or take drugs, and i will keep my drinking to a minimum, because, well I'm not a complete idiot.

1 comment:

  1. Hypocrisy is a dirty word to most people...but it's ironic because everyone is a hypocrite in some way or another... it's actually quite extraordinary.

    Drugs are can see what happens there...where as with depends on what you beleve is going to happen.

    But when you become a parent i think you'll fall in love with the 'Do as I say, not as I Do' line...but your children wont =P
