Monday, July 27, 2009

Just for a little while...

Hello to all.
I know i havnt exactly been around much lately (youtube people i'm talking to you)
i'm really sorry, but i have just been so swamped with school work, friends, family and just some personal issues of my own. and i just really havnt found the time to make a video recently. I think over the coming months my videos will continue to be at a minimum , so everyone, this is where i will be making updates for a while. because a video takes a hell of alot longer to make/post than a simple document does.  So i'll link you to stuff i'm doing, or anything im interested in, and please comment on these just as much as you normally do. 
oh and pardon me for the previous blogs ive posted, i wrote them like 7 months ago (some of them) and i feel like i have really grown as a person, im not going to delete them because it shows who i was, and how ive grown.
i do believe some of that stuff still, but i dont think i have put it as eloquently as it should have.

love you guys, as always.

p.s. ancient history is the bane marie of my life.

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